Habits: Stepping Stones for Your Life

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2023

Habits are the steppingstones for making progress in your life. Look at your habits and that will determine your life in the years to come. Eating junk food may not effect your life right now, but keep up that habit and it will eventually catch up with you. Practicing good habits builds a foundation for your future, especially in our walk with Christ. 

I recently read a book that came out a couple of years ago, Atomic Habits by James Clear. The book goes into so much depth, but I wanted to give you some of the key concepts from the book so you can begin to work on the keystone habits that will impact your life.

  • The 1% Rule: Small improvements add up over time. The idea is that if you can improve by just 1% each day, those small gains will compound over time and lead to significant improvement in the long run.
  • Habit Stacking: Habit stacking involves adding a new habit to an existing habit. By doing this, you can piggyback the new habit onto an existing habit, making it easier to remember and follow through.
  • Cue, Craving, Response, Reward: The four stages of a habit loop. A cue triggers a craving, which leads to a response, followed by a reward. Understanding these stages can help you identify the habits you want to create or break.
  • Identity-Based Habits: Focusing on who you want to become, rather than what you want to achieve, can be a powerful way to create lasting change. By identifying with the person you want to be, you can create habits that align with that identity.
  • The Four Laws of Behavior Change: Clear outlines four laws of behavior change that can be used to create and break habits: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying.
  • Keystone Habits: Keystone habits are habits that have a ripple effect, leading to positive changes in other areas of your life. By identifying and focusing on these habits, you can create significant and lasting change.
  • Environment Design: By designing your environment to support your habits, you can make it easier to stick to them. This can involve removing barriers to good habits and creating visual cues that remind you to follow through on your habits.

These are just a few of the primary points in Atomic Habits. Whether it is a health, relationship, or spiritual habit that you are working into your daily life, these concepts apply.

By understanding and applying these principles, you can create positive habits that will help you make every day count. This would be great reading on these beautiful spring days!

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